Entries by Anjuli Johnson


I named this piece “Unravel” because of the loose strips of muslin arranged to appear random and loose, as though they had once been used to bind something, and over time the binding has come undone and is just hanging limply, not accomplishing it’s purpose.  The gears add to the idea of passing time and […]


Stenciled Encaustics

Stencils!  Don’t you just love being an art junkie and collecting all kinds of things you’ve never used before but are certain at some point you will?  I have boxes and boxes of embellishments and tools that have rarely, if ever, been used.  But one of the great things about being a mixed media artist […]


My husband and I spent an amazing weekend visiting Charleston, SC last weekend.  It didn’t take long for me to completely fall in love with this city.  The history, the beauty, the Southern charm and wonderful atmosphere were inspiring.  The best part was the few hours we spent on Saturday morning doing a walking tour […]

Under the surface

This piece was definitely an experiment.  I have in the works a very large triptych, and some specific ideas that I needed to try to see how they would work.  The main idea I wanted to try, was to build up a high  pile of paper pieces that I would surround with some kind of […]

Tide Pool

I did it!  I FINALLY finished this piece.  I had really no idea how ambitious I was when I decided to use so many paper pieces, but I love the finished look.  I decided to call it “Tide Pool” because the colors are so reminiscent of water and sand by themselves, but the paper pieces […]

Taking a break

I finished a piece!!  It’s funny, I’ve actually been working on a different one that has a VAST amount of my rolled paper pieces.   Nearly non-stop for the past two weeks (except when I’m eating, sleeping, or at work) I’ve been constantly working on new shapes and combinations of rolled paper to finish my […]