why it's important to keep an art journal

Why it's Important to Keep an Art Journal

 I love history.  Old journals, documents, newspapers... they all tell stories that otherwise would be lost and I'm fascinated by them. I suppose it shouldn't come as a surprise that I love keeping journals, especially art journals. Keeping…
altered planner close up

Altered Planner Cover- lots of texture!

I have a confession to make- I hate planning.  HATE it.  I don't really know why, but every time I try to get organized I lose interest, and just end up doing- I don't know- not what I need to do. Anyway, I recently found a new way of planning…
encaustic shellac burn technique

Shellac Burn Encaustic Paintings with India Ink and Calligraphy

Good day!  It's been awhile since I've shared anything with you- sickness has been visiting my home and sapping all my energy.  But I'm so excited to share these new encaustic paintings, especially since I'm using a technique I've…
altered treat box for halloween

Altered Treat Box from the Dollar Store- Happy Halloween!

  Happy Halloween everyone!  Ok, not quite, but were getting there!  Fall really crept up on me this year.  It seems like just a couple months ago we had our big snowstorm here in Raleigh (meaning it snowed like 3 inches and everything…
how to stretch your comfort zone

How to Stretch Your Comfort Zone

Maybe it's all the zombie movies I've been watching lately (it is October, after all), but I've been thinking about fear a lot.  Or maybe it's all the the awesome and crazy goals I've been striving for, on top of losing my job 2 weeks ago.…
altered mini book from the dollar store

Altered Mini Book- a dollar store notepad turned art journal

  I learn so much from all you artists out there, I just have to say how grateful I am. I would never have thought to look for art supplies at the dollar store, but now that it's on my radar, I've found some pretty cool things.  What…