
This is not one of my stronger pieces.  It is fairly obvious that I didn't think about the outcome of this piece too much.  It is not meant to have any kind of philisophical meaning or depth, though I do not rule out the idea of someone…

Encaustic collage

I have a stash of paper in my house that could keep me warm through three winters, if for some reason I decided to burn it.  Among this massive collection is a lot of patterned paper that I couldn't live without once I saw it on the shelf,…
Professional Artist

Dream to Reality- Steps to Becoming a Professional Artist

This week has been a big one for me.  I just found out that my application to participate in a gallery showing here in Raleigh has been accepted.  I was told my art was "strong", and that I should progress far in this category.  On top of…

Encaustic & Rice Paper

My class ended too soon last night.  You'd think 3 hours would be plenty of time to play around with combinations of paper and wax, but it turns out that no, it's not.  I shouldn't be surprised.  I spent 7 1/2 hours scrapbooking on saturday…