Fiber Encaustic

If you spend any amount of time creating art, you'll know that art supplies are not cheap.  The expense depends on your style, the amount of supplies you need, and the medium you are working in.  Some mediums are more expensive than others.…

Rusted Gears

I mentioned to a few people the last time I posted that I was going to do a series of encaustic paintings like the Rusted Circles piece I posted last time.  Once I had the technique down, I was able to finish these other two pretty fast, though…
Adding Rust

Adding rust to your Encaustic Paintings

I am so glad to finally be finished with this piece.  :)  It really seemed to take forever because I kept trying to use shortcuts with the supplies I had, and nothing was working. Lesson learned- when trying a new encaustic technique, follow…

a few more...

I quickly wanted to show you guys the other encaustic pieces I made for Christmas this year. The one above took me 3-4 times to get it right-  I used small alphabet stamps to imprint into the wax.  If you're going to do this, it's suggested…

Christmas Encaustics

This was the year of artsy Christmas presents.  I also followed my usual pattern of binge crafting- I hardly ever get anything done except during specified times when I can work for hours on end, usually because I have a deadline.  I don't…

Encaustic Gift

This blog post is probably going to be a little mushy- I'm making no promises not to be, so be warned.  :) This week is my 1 year anniversary.  I'm pretty excited, mostly because I love planning little gifts I can give to my husband on special…