Constellation series

The latest in my series of blue and gold pieces.  This one actually reminds me of the first piece I ever created using quilled paper pieces, "Illness".  Though I used different colors, I did lump all my quilled pieces together in one place.…

Dreamy Sky

My father is a physics and astronomy professor.  I remember growing up, he would frequently take us to the university and let us peek through the large telescopes that were mounted onto the roofs.  We had front row seats to solar eclipses,…


I just got back from a week at the Outer Banks celebrating Thanksgiving with my family.  Were spread out all over the country- North Carolina, Florida, West Virginia, Idaho, and Utah.  I have one sister in Arizona who couldn't make it because…


Something that's been on my mind lately is the truth about opposition, that without the bad, we would n't understand the good.  The hard and sorrowful times in our lives dig a well in a our hearts that later can be filled to the brim with joy.…

Great and Spacious Building

I have to say that working on this piece has been a surprise from start to finish.  I really had no idea what I was going for when I started- I had a few sheets of rice paper with random cursive writing on it, and I wanted to use it.  I…

Mixed Media Mini's

I feel like I've been artistically productive for the first time in at least a couple weeks last night, and it was a great feeling.  I used some new supplies, old and new techniques, and I had enough projects going to keep me consistently…