The Midas Disease- Mini Edition
Every piece I have created so far has been very different from the pieces that came before it. Different colors, composition, size, etc. This is the first piece I've done where I really felt I should do a full line of different sizes in…
Natural Growth
One of the things I love about being an artist is the freedom that comes with creation. Most of my pieces I create because I love the process, I like the combinations and colors I use, and the end result is aesthetically pleasing to me. In…
Dream to Reality- Steps to Becoming a Professional Artist
This week has been a big one for me. I just found out that my application to participate in a gallery showing here in Raleigh has been accepted. I was told my art was "strong", and that I should progress far in this category. On top of…
"Truth"- sharing my beliefs in mixed media art
This piece is the most personal I have done so far. I had a very clear idea in mind when I created it, and it has a lot to do with my own personal beliefs. It's an interesting phenomenon that when we share our convictions, those convictions…